Friday, September 9, 2011


So, I have to say that I'm a little bit scared. My friends are taking new steps in their are going to kindergarten or preschool and I'm homeschooling and pregnant. We are going in different directions and I am scared that I will lose touch with them. I am scared that once my oldest is too old to go to MTO and their kids are in school, I will have no one to hang out with. I will be doing school in the morning, when they are free. And when I am free, they will be picking kids up from school and doing homework with them. I am already so proud of how homeschooling is going, but am I going to regret it? I want my kids to have the best possible education, I want them to have a christian education and that is just not possible where we live. I knew there would be sacrifices and I'm definitely not doing this for me. I honestly believe this is the best option for my family, for my kids. So what do I do? I guess I will have to make the time to make sure I make time with my friends and my kids' friends. I hope that I'm making the right choice in this. Scary, hard, sacrificial - but at the same time so rewarding seeing my son make progress minute by minute. But I am scared.

1 comment:

  1. I have a post in my head that I haven't written yet but it is the opposite. I think the best teaching for the kids would be homeschooling because you can guard their hearts and minds. I am scared that my kids will go the wrong way and have always prayed that they will know God. My choice comes from letting them go and giving myself more time and patience since I am struggling with that. You have made a good choice. And just phone me and we'll make plans when you are feeling disconnected. We are good at last minute around here;)
    Ps- Get more members on your blog. Lol.
