Thursday, March 10, 2011

I am with you always

So, I was prepping for teaching Sunday School this sunday and the story is about Jacob. His fight with God and the ladder to heaven... I always knew this story, but somehow forgot the promise that God gave to Jacob: I am with you always... Just now I was reading my friends blog and her she posted a song and one of the lines is: "I'm with you".. Coincidence?? I think not. Right now I think I feel a little like Jacob: I'm arguing with God over things and keep fighting him and asking him why certain things are happening... I just need to remember that no matter what happens, His promise stays the same: I am with you always :)


  1. God is so faithful. Now you have me balling. I am feeling the fight right now too amidst the joy.

  2. yeah, i was crying when i heard that song because everything just all fell together....i've never noticed God pointing things out for me as much as in the last few months
